Chinese game starter 8

Turn up the sound or put on headphones!
A starter project for making a Chinese language educational game.

6/5 WH: Turtle agents (black cubes) give clues. Voice bubbles (yellow spheres) represent items (answers). These are randomly assigned in setup. There are multiple copies of answers. Player can walk around and "pick up" a voice bubble (press spacebar when colliding with voice bubble) and bring it to a Turtle to check if it's a match for its clue. If it's a right match, score goes up by 10 points and a new clue is generated.

6/11 DW: Added sounds. Added code to update the clue databox widget when a new clue is given. Also added code to tell the player when goal of score 20 is achieved.

6/11 WH: Added sounds for clues. Tweaked collision between turtle and player so that player "loses" item (number set to -1) whether the item is correct or wrong match. (Actually never mind - these changes didn't save) Moved keyboard controls into forever block and deleted the procedure (to be remade in mini-lesson)

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